

How to throw a curve ball

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HomeBlogsChris Sloan's blogHow to throw a curve ball
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Chris Sloan

Have you ever wondered how to throw a curveball pitch effectively? The guys over at YouGoPro give a great rundown on how to throw one consistently.

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About Chris Sloan

Chris Sloan is a former baseball league commissioner and travel baseball coach who has made significant contributions to the sport. In 2018, he founded selectbaseballteams.com, a website that helps parents find youth and travel baseball teams in their local areas. Since its launch, the website has experienced impressive growth, offering a wealth of resources including teams, news, tournaments, and organizations. Chris's unwavering passion for baseball and his innovative approach to connecting parents with quality baseball programs have earned him a respected reputation in the baseball community, solidifying his legacy as a leading figure in the world of youth and travel baseball.

Chris Sloan
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Not sure about that

Great video

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