


Actual Age: 
14 years old

West Valley Lions Baseball

The goal of the West Valley Lions Baseball Association is to develop players so they can continue playing in high school.

We will achieve this goal by building players to:

 be a LEADER – Taking charge of a situation under pressure... paying the price in sweat, effort and sacrifice... showing the way through good example

 be a SPORTSMAN – Showing enthusiasm, spirit and courage all the time... taking advice and criticism in an effort to improve... being humble and gracious both on and off the field... respecting your opponent in both victory and defeat

Mesa Mayhem

A group that shares the cost equally amongst the team and plays in travel tournaments.

Scottsdale Firebirds Baseball

We provide a unique experience of development based on a professional viewpoint of baseball, training young athletes to get to the next level of play.

Camelback Beavers

14 under baseball clubteam. Playing out of :phoenix biltmore area.

Midwest Astros Academy

The main objective of the Midwest Astros is to develop our players to be mentally and physically prepared to play the game of baseball and softball. We also strive to help each player grow into a respectable young man. We plan to do this through our attention to detail and setting high standards for both players and coaches involved with the Midwest Astros. The Midwest Astros will provide our players with the best training, equipment, coaching and exposure that is possible.
