

Best Hitting Drill of Year Video 4 - Compact Swing Bracket

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HomeBlogsJack Perconte's blogBest Hitting Drill of Year Video 4 - Compact Swing Bracket
Best Hitting Drill of Year Video 4 - Compact Swing Bracket
Jack Perconte

Compact Swing Hitting Video

Welcome back to the final bracket in the best hitting drill of the year tourney, pitting four compact swing drills against each other to see which drill takes the last spot in this year's final four. There certainly can be no upsets in this bracket, because, in an unusual twist, every drill was given a number one seed, as they all work so well to develop compact swings. One drill that did not make the sweet sixteen rounds, in this compact swing category, was the behind the hitter net drill. With this drill, hitters stand within five or six inches from the net, as seen here, and miss the net on the forward swing while attempting to hit the net on the follow through, so they do not lunge away from the net. Better luck next year to the net drill.

Compact Swing Video of the Year Category

Here we go. In the first pairing, the number one seed self-flip drill, where hitters flip the ball with their top hand and no higher than eye level loses out to the number one seeded letter high tee drill. Both drills work to develop a compact swing because with the self -flip drill hitters have little time to grab the bat and hit the ball and the high tee drill does not allow for a long upper cutting swing or they will hit the batting tee or pop the ball up, continually. In a narrow decision, the high tee drill wins out because the self-flip drill proves difficult for young hitters to get good flips. It should be noted that with both drills the location of the flips or tees can be altered by working on inside, middle, and outside pitches. In the other matchup of number one seeds, the dropped ball drill, which has coaches drop balls from no higher than eye level, beats out the low ball high ball drill. Coaches drop balls after the batter's stride foot lands. Of course, what makes this drill so good is that coaches can make sure batters are in good hitting position before dropping the ball. This drill requires a quick, compact swing as coaches can delay slightly to drop balls to mimic changeups also. The low-ball highball drill is self-explanatory, as any dipping of the bat will show a looping swing. With this drill, the lower ball is set a good balls width below the higher ball, allowing hitters to get to the desired lower half of the ball. The final of this compact swing bracket went into triple overtime, but in the end, the dropped ball drill won out because of the challenge of hitting the ball, especially for young hitters, and the mentioned correct hitting position guarantee, as coaches can point out the batters incorrect hitting position after the stride. So, it is on to the much anticipated finals, where next week's video pits the final four drills the 1,2,3 drill, the wide open with hop back drill, the glove under the arm drill and the dropped ball drill against each other for the national championship. Stay tuned    

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About Jack Perconte

After playing major league baseball, Jack Perconte has taught baseball and softball since 1988 and offered valuable coaching training too. He has helped numerous youth players reach their potential, as well as having helped parents and coaches navigate their way through the challenging world of youth sports. Jack is one of the leading authorities in the areas of youth baseball training and coaching training advice.

All Jack Perconte articles are used with copyright permission.

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