

Hitting Tips

HomeHitting Tips
HomeHitting Tips
Another Coaching Dilemma with Baseball Hitting

Another Coaching Dilemma with Baseball Hitting

posted on 07 Sep , 2018 in Hitting Tips by Jack Perconte

Coaching Baseball Hitting is Difficult because Hard Work is not always the Answer

Often, I am asked by parents of my students, how much their son, or daughter should practice their baseball hitting. I throw a curve ball at them, so to speak, and say, "To be honest, I would rather them not touch a bat until I see them again." Of course, that may be impossible during the baseball season, but I am serious when I say that.


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Hitting Drill for Baseball that Separates Good Hitters from So-so Hitters

Hitting Drill for Baseball that Separates Good Hitters from So-so Hitters

posted on 06 Sep , 2018 in Hitting Tips by Jack Perconte

Hitting Drill for Baseball, of Which Few Hitting Drills are Better

So many hitting drills exist, but few tell a story like this one does, as it requires batters to wait for pitches, have great focus, have a compact swing, and most important, keep their hands back. Additionally, this hitting drill for baseball gives coaches a clear view of players' hitting tendencies and hitting flaws.


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