

How to Coach Tee Ball Players: Tips, Drills, Practice Plan for 2023!

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How to Coach Tee Ball Players: Tips, Drills, Practice Plan for 2023!
How to Coach Tee Ball Players: Tips, Drills, Practice Plan for 2023!
Jack Perconte

Skoch3, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Tee ball coaching can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both coaches and players. This exciting sport provides an opportunity to teach young players the fundamentals of baseball in a fun and engaging way. In this blog post, we will explore tips, drills, practice plans, and more on how to coach tee ball players, helping you become the best tee ball coach you can be. Get ready to hit a home run with your coaching skills, just like when you played baseball as a kid!

Short Summary

  • Motivate tee ball players to learn the fundamentals of baseball and foster a sense of camaraderie with essential equipment, recognition, snacks & friendly competitions.

  • Develop skills with top drills & fun games that enhance their abilities while creating an enjoyable atmosphere.

  • Recruit volunteers effectively and use effective strategies for successful coaching!

Understanding the Tee Ball Players' Perspective

When coaching tee ball, it's important to see the game from the players' perspective. For these young athletes, their main goal is to have fun, stay safe, and not get out. As a coach, understanding this perspective will help you effectively teach kids the necessary skills and manage expectations accordingly.

Tee ball offers exciting opportunities to teach young players the fundamentals of baseball. You have the chance to help them learn how to throw and play catch with the ball, as well as understand the concept of tagging a base to get a runner out. Additionally, you'll guide them as they discover the importance of using their legs when swinging the bat.

The benefits of tee ball go beyond just learning the basics of baseball. It provides an enjoyable, stress-free environment where every player has an equal opportunity to participate in each play. This makes it easier for players to grasp, comprehend, and carry out their defensive duties. Furthermore, tee ball helps kids become familiar with one another and share their interests. It also allows players and coaches to get to know each other's names, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork amongst youth players.

Essential Equipment for Players and Coaches

A coach showing a few balls to a group of tee ball players

To ensure a successful and fun tee ball experience, both players and coaches need to be equipped with the right gear. Players should have gloves, bats, helmets, baseball clothes, and cleats. While cleats aren't necessary, some kids absolutely love wearing full gear, so it's worth considering.

On the other hand, coaches should have bases, soft tee ball balls, cones, and a speaker for music during warm-up. Using softer tennis balls also can help build confidence and courage in players, especially those who may be intimidated by the ball. Cones can be incredibly useful for setting up exciting games and helping players get into the right position during warm-up.

Wearing baseball clothes is essential for setting the right atmosphere for a successful practice session and helps motivate players to take the game seriously. By ensuring players and coaches have the proper equipment, you create a fun and engaging environment that promotes learning and growth.

Creating a Fun and Engaging Environment

Creating a fun and engaging environment is crucial for keeping young players motivated and excited about tee ball. One way to achieve this is by incorporating snacks, friendly competitions like farthest throw and hit, and recognizing the player of the game or practice for their efforts. This helps foster a sense of team unity and encourages players to give their best during practice.

Baseball cards are another great way to show appreciation for your players without breaking the bank. By varying recognition and ensuring everyone feels valued, you'll create a positive atmosphere that will keep players coming back for more.

Introducing fun games into your practice sessions can also help enhance tee ball skills. Games like the farthest throw and hit are sure to get the kids pumped up and eager to showcase their abilities. By combining skill-building activities with enjoyable games, you'll create an environment where players look forward to each practice and continue to develop their skills.

Teaching Fundamental Baseball Skills

To set your Tee Ball players up for success, it's essential to teach them the fundamental baseball skills. These include movement skills, fielding ground balls, and understanding defensive positioning. To help players grasp defensive responsibilities, you can introduce drills that focus on fielding ground balls, running to the base, and throwing at a base. During warm-up, ensure everyone knows which direction to run around the bases and which base is 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and then home plate.

The main goal of defensive drills at the tee ball level is to help players understand that when the ball is put into play, everyone must move, and the throwing position, each player has a specific role. You can modify ground ball drills to make them more suitable for tee ballers by shortening the distance they work in and delivering the ball at a pace that encourages them to get into the proper position to catch.

In addition to fielding, batting skills are an important area to focus on. Teach players how to leverage their legs to power their swing, switch their legs swing to their heels for a stronger stance, and keep their head and feet in the proper position. When practicing batting, have players stand one bat length away from the tee stem for optimal performance.

Finally, teach players essential throwing techniques, such as underhand throwing arm, toss, "Power Position" throwing, and "Move Feet to Throw" throwing. By focusing on these fundamental skills, you'll help your tee ball players develop the necessary abilities to excel in the game.

Developing an Effective Practice Plan

A well-planned practice session is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of your tee ball coaching. Your practice plan should include a warm-up, drills, group games, and base running activities. To keep kids engaged and ensure they get the most out of each practice, rotate them through each drill for about 10 minutes, so everyone gets a chance to practice each one. Don't forget to schedule regular water breaks to ensure kids stay hydrated and make it easier to transition to the next activity. Incorporating a mix of practice drills and scrimmage games will help prepare players for real game situations and allow them to apply what they've learned in practice.

Base running is another essential component of an effective practice plan. Focus on teaching players how to watch their foot touch the base, take advantage of running through first base, and keep their eyes on the prize by not looking at the ball when running to a base. By incorporating these techniques into your practice plan, you'll help your players develop the skills they need to excel on the field.

To make practice even more fun and effective, start with a warm-up to prepare the kids for the activities ahead. You can include running, stretching, and catching with paddles as part of your warm-up routine. By planning out your practice sessions in advance and including a mix of skill-building drills and fun activities, you'll keep your tee ball players motivated and eager to learn.

Top Drills for Tee Ball Players

Incorporating top drills into your practice sessions will help your tee ball players develop their skills in batting, fielding, throwing, base running, and defensive positioning. To teach batting skills, try the Twist and Turn back drill, which focuses on improving accuracy and power. Additionally, use wiffle balls for batting practice, allowing multiple players to bat at the same time.

For fielding and defensive positioning, try the Two Players, One Base series of drills. These drills help players understand their roles in various fielding situations and how to work together as a team. To improve throwing accuracy, introduce the Head Hunter drill, where players aim to throw a baseball at a helmet stacked on top of a batting tee.

The Dot Drill is another great hitting drill that helps players focus on hitting a red dot on a baseball, improving their accuracy and precision. To enhance ground ball skills, try the Alligator Drill, which teaches players to use two hands to secure a ground ball.

Add some excitement to your practice sessions with the Pickle drill, a fun game where players pretend a runner is caught in the middle of a steal between two bases. By incorporating these top drills into your practice plan, you'll help your tee ball players develop the skills they need to excel in the game.

Fun Games to Enhance Tee Ball Skills

An image of a coach demonstrating how to coach tee ball players during a fun game to enhance their skills.

Incorporating fun games into your tee ball practices can help enhance your players' skills while keeping them engaged and excited. Some great games to try include Clean Your Room, Base Tag, and Relay Race.

Clean Your Room is a game where players work together to clear their designated area of balls as quickly as possible. This game teaches teamwork and encourages players to work on their throwing and catching skills.

Base. Base. Tag is a game that helps players understand the importance of staying safe on base and how to avoid being tagged out.

Relay Race is a fun game that involves players running around the bases while trying to beat their opponents in a race. This game helps improve base running skills and encourages players to work on their speed and agility.

By incorporating these fun games into your practice sessions, you'll not only help your players develop their tee ball skills, but also create an enjoyable and engaging environment where they look forward to each practice.

Recruiting and Managing Volunteers

Volunteers are essential for successful tee ball coaching. Tee ball is a sport that truly relies on parent involvement, and having a team of dedicated volunteers can make all the difference. To recruit and manage volunteers effectively, set expectations early and hold a parent meeting before the first practice.

Having an organized dugout is crucial for success, so designate a top assistant coach in the dugout to help manage the team and ensure everyone knows their role. Ideally, you should have two or three main assistants, but having more can be even more beneficial.

By involving parents and other volunteers in your coaching efforts, you'll create a supportive environment that promotes learning and growth for your tee ball players. With a strong team of volunteers behind you, your coaching experience will be more enjoyable and rewarding for everyone involved.

Tips and Tricks for Successful Tee Ball Coaching

To ensure your tee ball coaching is successful, keep the following tips and tricks in mind: organize the dugout, let kids play catcher, schedule practice for an hour, and end practice with kids hit a home run.

Organizing the dugout is essential for keeping your team ready and on track. Giving younger kids the opportunity to play catcher allows them to learn the basics of the position and gain valuable experience.

When scheduling practice, plan out the activities in advance to ensure the most effective use of your time. Ending practice with a home run instills a sense of accomplishment in your players and leaves them feeling excited and motivated.

By incorporating these tips into your coaching strategy, you'll create a more successful and enjoyable experience for you and your other tee ball coaches and players.


In conclusion, coaching tee ball can be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for both coaches and players. By understanding the players' perspective, providing essential equipment, creating a fun and engaging environment, and teaching fundamental baseball skills, you set the stage for successful coaching.

Developing an effective practice plan, incorporating top drills and fun games into your sessions, and recruiting and managing volunteers are also essential aspects of successful tee ball coaching. With these tips and tricks in mind, you'll be well on your way to creating a rewarding and memorable tee ball season experience for your players.

As you embark on your tee ball coaching journey, remember to keep your eye on the ball and focus on fun, learning, and safety. By fostering a positive environment and providing the right guidance, you'll help your players develop the skills they need to excel in the game and, more importantly, create lasting memories and friendships along the way.

Now, it's time to step up to the plate and hit a home run with your tee ball coaching skills. Good luck, and have a blast!

Frequently Asked Questions

What to do during T ball practice?

Let's get the team having a blast at practice! Encourage your T-ballers to use their imaginations and keep it fun by running the bases, playing catch, doing some station work, throwing hand, or trying out a pickle drill.

With these activities, they'll have a great time while they build their skills.

How do you become a good Little League coach?

To become a good Little League coach, it is important to have clear expectations and rules, set the right tone with your attitude, reward players, get to know them, build their confidence, stay connected, and be mindful of teaching kids not yelling.

By following these tips, you can inspire your team to success!

How do you structure a tee ball practice?

Structure your tee ball practice to maximize success with this easy-to-follow template: 15 minutes of throwing, 15 minutes of glove work, 10 minutes of ground balls, 15 minutes of hitting, and 5 minutes for a wrap-up.

Use this approach and you'll be well on your way to tee ball greatness!

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About Jack Perconte

After playing major league baseball, Jack Perconte has taught baseball and softball since 1988 and offered valuable coaching training too. He has helped numerous youth players reach their potential, as well as having helped parents and coaches navigate their way through the challenging world of youth sports. Jack is one of the leading authorities in the areas of youth baseball training and coaching training advice.

All Jack Perconte articles are used with copyright permission.

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