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What is a Pull Hitter in Baseball?

What is a Pull Hitter in Baseball?

posted on 16 Mar , 2023 in General by Chris Sloan

Baseball is one of the most popular sports in the United States, and major league baseball is known for its strategy, athleticism, and skill. One important strategy in baseball is pull hitting, which involves hitting the ball towards the same side of the field as the batter's dominant hand. In this blog post, we will explore what a pull hitter is, the mechanics of a pull hitter, the advantages and disadvantages of being a pull hitter, notable pull hitters in baseball history, strategies for pitching to a pull hitter, and answer some frequently asked questions like what is a pull hitter in baseball?


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What Is OPS in Baseball & OPS Baseball Calculator

What Is OPS in Baseball & OPS Baseball Calculator

posted on 28 Nov , 2022 in Tools & Resources by chris.sloan

Today we will be diving into the world of baseball statistics and discussing the concept of ops. Short for on-base plus slugging, ops is a widely used metric in baseball that combines a player's ability to reach base with their power-hitting abilities. Whether you're a seasoned baseball fan or just starting to learn the ins and outs of the game, this post will provide a comprehensive overview of what ops is and how it's used to evaluate a player's performance on the field.


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What Is Dixie Youth Baseball?

What Is Dixie Youth Baseball?

posted on 29 Sep , 2022 in Parents by Chris Sloan

When you think of youth baseball leagues, the first league that probably pops into mind is Little League. However, Dixie Youth Baseball is quickly becoming one of the most popular kids' baseball organizations in the country.


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