Little League Bad Sportsmanship: Tags, Bumps and Bruises
posted on 21 May , 2019 in General by Chris Sloan
Sportsmanship is a part of the game of baseball, but these kids didn't get the memo.
posted on 21 May , 2019 in General by Chris Sloan
Sportsmanship is a part of the game of baseball, but these kids didn't get the memo.
posted on 06 Sep , 2018 in Coaches CornerJack's CornerPhilosophy by Jack Perconte
No matter what I write about in the area of coaching youth sports, most readers immediately comment, "But it's all about kids having fun." Internally, I respond, "No it's not." The moral of the story is that adults should not believe that the purpose of youth sports is only for having fun.