

How to Have Your Tournaments Listed

HomeHow to Have Your Tournaments Listed
HomeHow to Have Your Tournaments Listed

Do you operate local or national tournaments? Would you like additional free exposure for your events?

We have over 1000 visitors every day looking for teams and events and you don't want to miss that opportunity..

Follow the simple steps outlined below and we'll help drive additional exposure for you!

  1. Create a Coach Account
  2. Add your organization, be sure to select tournaments
  3. Fill out this CSV document attached to this page with your event details
  4. We don't need guid or org_name and address Street and zip code are optional, but help with maps
  5. If you have unique images for each event, please include an image link like http://link.com/to/image.jpg. We can use png, jpg, or gif. If you only have a single image or no image we can use the logo from your organization page
  6. Input dates as 5/15/2019 please for start and end dates
  7. When adding event age groups, please list them as 8U, 9U, 10U separated by commas
  8. If you have any questions please fill out our contact form and well reply ASAP
  9. Email the completed CSV file and your logo, if needed, to support [@] selectbaseballteams.com

