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The Evolution and Impact of Precision in Sports Field Layouts

The Evolution and Impact of Precision in Sports Field Layouts

posted on 04 Apr , 2024 in General by Chris Sloan

Precision in sports field marking, beyond aesthetic, ensures game fairness. Technology, like GPS-equipped field liners, revolutionizes accuracy, promoting integrity and saving resources. It respects sports traditions and enhances play quality by reducing human error and ensuring consistent, safe environments. GPS technology not only improves competition fairness but also elevates the sports experience, making precise marking an inclusive standard across all levels of play, thus transforming the sports field landscape.


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Using online services and social media to learn more about cricket

Using online services and social media to learn more about cricket

posted on 26 Mar , 2024 in General by Chris Sloan

Online and social media sites are starting events and programs to get people interested in cricket. This is very clear during the Cricket World Cup and the Indian Premier League (IPL).

Fans of cricket can't be in arenas, so social media is becoming more important because it lets them watch live events. They are adding new tools and events to their sites to get people to stay on them for longer. Some of these are live viewing on Instagram and Facebook and Facebook parties, where a lot of people can watch movies and talk to each other in real-time.


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What Makes Baseball Teams a Target for Hacks?

What Makes Baseball Teams a Target for Hacks?

posted on 26 Mar , 2024 in General by Chris Sloan

In the digital age, cybersecurity risks are everywhere - even in the world of professional baseball. 

While many fans focus solely on the action in the game, risks also occur outside of the field.

Teams and players must be vigilant about protecting their data and communications from cyberthreats: information breaches involving medical data or upcoming deals pose a huge risk.

One common entry point for hackers and cybercriminals? The smartphones and devices used by players, coaches, and team personnel.


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