

Baseball Slide Tips to Know - 365 Days to Better Baseball

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HomeBlogsJack Perconte's blogBaseball Slide Tips to Know - 365 Days to Better Baseball
Baseball Slide Tips to Know - 365 Days to Better Baseball
Jack Perconte

Friday Base Running Tips Must Know Baseball Slide Tips

Baseball slide advice is different for youth baseball from the higher levels of baseball for a couple of main reasons. Youth baseball players cannot slide to take infielders out of the play, as for double plays and there is a must slide rule at home plate, meaning players cannot run the catcher over as they can in professional baseball. baseball slide

Otherwise, baseball slide tips are the same in order to give players the best chance at being safe as well as remaining injury free.

Solid Baseball Slide Advice

  1. Once the mind thinks slide, slide, and do not change the mind. Most injuries occur when players change their mind as to slide or not, at the last second.
  2. When in doubt, slide. Always best philosophy to avoid being embarrassed when should have slid.
  3. Be aware of the fielder's positioning when approaching the base for clues as what direction the ball is arriving at to determine if a fade to one side or other is necessary.
  4. If nothing else, learn the pop-up baseball slide technique so players can follow the above advice without losing time when having the opportunity to advance to the next base after sliding.
  5. Additionally, slide with the leg out that runners are most comfortable with, as each ball player has a comfortable side that is safer.
  6. Practice the fade away slide and the pass by slide. The pass by slide goes slightly around, missing the base on purpose, while reaching for the base with one hand or the other hand depending on location of tag. This is very helpful so as not having to slide with the uncomfortable leg out as mentioned in point #4.

Additional Baseball Slide Tips

  1. Try to learn feet first sliding before going to the headfirst slide technique. Headfirst sliding leads to more injury, generally.
  2. Avoid sliding into first base unless it is to avoid the tag.
  3. Avoid sliding into home plate headfirst.
  4. Avoid sliding with spikes up spikes up usually means at or above the fielding player's knee height.
  5. Learn to slide late so do not lose speed when approaching base.
  6. Keep hands up off ground to avoid finger, hand, and wrist injuries.

There is a real art to the baseball slide, which takes practice and concentration, so coaches should not neglect this aspect of baseball coaching. Finally, coaches should help players understand that diving back to a base headfirst is OK and different from sliding headfirst.



About Jack Perconte

After playing major league baseball, Jack Perconte has taught baseball and softball since 1988 and offered valuable coaching training too. He has helped numerous youth players reach their potential, as well as having helped parents and coaches navigate their way through the challenging world of youth sports. Jack is one of the leading authorities in the areas of youth baseball training and coaching training advice.

All Jack Perconte articles are used with copyright permission.

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