

5 Essential Exercises for Building Arm Strength for Throwing

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HomeBlogsChris Sloan's blog5 Essential Exercises for Building Arm Strength for Throwing
5 Essential Exercises for Building Arm Strength for Throwing
Chris Sloan

Are you wondering how to build arm strength for throwing? Do you want to throw harder and farther than ever before? Then get ready to learn the five essential exercises for building arm strength for throwing.

In this article, we'll be looking at exercises that target specific joints and muscles in the arm and provide comprehensive knowledge on different drills, stretches, and mobility work to help increase throwing power. With the right kind of training and discipline, you can pump up your arm strength and achieve impressive throwing feats.

Band Pull Aparts

A person doing band pull aparts to improve arm health

Building arm strength for throwing is a must for any throwing athlete. The essential exercise? Band pull aparts. These exercises improve posture, strengthen the upper back and shoulder muscles, increase shoulder mobility and stability, and prevent injuries. Plus they activate the upper back and warm up the muscles of the shoulder and upper body - key to throwing with power and accuracy. Do them as part of your warm up routine or in-season/off-season training program. Regular band pull aparts will help you develop strength & stability needed to throw powerfully & accurately!


Band pull aparts are great for improving posture, strengthening the upper back and shoulder muscles, increasing shoulder mobility and stability, and avoiding injuries. They're an ideal way to activate the upper back before a throwing session. Plus, they can boost throwing power and velocity by toning up the rotator cuff and deceleration muscles. Baseballers and softballers can use this exercise to stay injury-free while maintaining arm strength for a long career - making band pull aparts an essential part of any throwing routine!

How to Perform

To perform band pull aparts, grasp the ends of a resistance band with both hands. Hold it at chest level with your arms extended and pull the band apart, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Position your arms at shoulder height - one below the other - with the higher arm strapped to the elastic band. Alternatively, use a light dumbbell for added difficulty. Keep your forearm parallel to the floor and keep contact between your body and shoulder blades. It's recommended to do three sets of fifteen reps when done as part of a workout.

The elevated external rotation burnout is another exercise that targets rotator cuff external rotators. Secure an elastic band around one arm and anchor it to a wall at shoulder height on its side; position arms at shoulder height - one below the other - with a higher arm strapped to the elastic band. This exercise can help demonstrate the importance of external rotation, like a drag racer needs room to slow down.

For prone scarecrow exercise, you need only a resistance band; this will strengthen external rotators and improve endurance too! To build arm strength & throwing power perform these exercises regularly: baseball & softball players will stay healthy & have a long career!

Band External Rotations

A person doing band external rotations to improve throwing arm

Band external rotations are a key exercise for boosting arm strength when throwing. They focus on the shoulder's external rotators, helping to build up the muscles used in the throwing motion. This exercise is great for increasing velocity, as well as strengthening the rotator cuff and improving shoulder mechanics.

These muscles also help reduce excessive load on the shoulder joint, which is essential for having a long softball career. By doing band external rotations regularly, you can improve your posture and strengthen your infraspinatus muscle, rear delts and teres minor.


Band external rotations are an effective way to beef up arm muscles and boost throwing velocity. Specifically, they target the infraspinatus muscle - the primary one used for throwing. Strengthening these external rotators helps reduce the load on the shoulder joint, which is key for softball players who need to throw with consistent power over a long career. Plus, it improves shoulder mechanics and posture for more accurate throws. Band external rotations also build strength in deltoids, serratus anterior (proctor) and teres minor - all essential muscles for throwing. So if you want to increase your throwing velocity while strengthening your arms and shoulders, this exercise is definitely worth trying out!

How to Perform

To perform band external rotations, grasp the middle of the band with slight tension, about shoulder width apart. Kneel down and secure it underneath your lower legs. Bend your arms 90 degrees and bring up your elbows so that your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Rotate them outward while keeping elbows at sides and forearms perpendicular to the floor.

Keep the band at elbow height and the anchor point should be at shoulder height for best results. Beginners may prefer latex bands over light dumbbells (1-2lb). Place a small rolled-up towel between ribs and arm when doing external rotation - this will protect the shoulder joint from injury.

Remember to pull from an anchor point externally in order to target external rotators which need strengthening for improved throwing velocity. Keep elbows at sides and forearms perpendicular for optimal outcomes - following these guidelines will ensure you get the most out of exercise!

Dumbbell External Rotation

dumbbell external rotations can be done with these dumb

The next exercise to build arm strength for throwing? Dumbbell external rotation. This exercise specifically targets the muscles used for decelerating the throwing arm - those that help keep the shoulder healthy and reduce injury risk. Strengthening rotator cuff muscles and promoting scapular movement and stability, dumbbell external rotation helps maintain shoulder health. Incorporate it into your routine to reduce shoulder injuries and improve stability and strength of the shoulder complex.


Dumbbell external rotation is an excellent exercise for building arm strength for throwing, offering many advantages. It strengthens the rotator cuff muscles responsible for slowing down the throwing arm, promoting scapular movement and stability while reducing shoulder injury risk. Additionally, it limits internal rotation of the shoulder, which can cause labrum injuries. Having strong decelerators is essential to any baseball player who wants a long career in the sport. Incorporate dumbbell external rotation into your training routine to build arm strength and reduce shoulder injury risks!

How to Perform

To perform dumbbell external rotation correctly and safely, ensure your shoulder blades are down and back, core is engaged, arms at shoulder height and elbows bent at a 90 degree angle. Keep the elbow angle at 90 degrees while rotating your arms outward to a 90 degree angle. Use light dumbbells to increase difficulty of the exercise.

a man doing arm and shoulder band exercises

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Elevated External Rotation Burnouts

Elevated external rotation burnouts are an ideal way to bolster arm strength for throwing and offer other advantages. This exercise is a successful method to enhance shoulder strength and stability. It helps fortify the internal and external rotators of the shoulder, which is essential for any baseball or softball player aiming to have a long career. Additionally, it can improve posture, prevent shoulder and neck issues, and balance out the power of the internal and external rotators. With proper execution, elevated external rotation burnouts can help build arm strength for throwing while also improving overall performance.

This exercise can be done using either a band or light dumbbells and incorporated into any training program. By focusing on correct form and executing exercises quickly, baseball and softball players can increase their throwing power and accuracy while simultaneously strengthening their arms and shoulders.


Elevated external rotation burnouts are a great way to build arm strength and reap many rewards. This exercise targets the rotator cuff muscles, which are essential for baseball or softball players. It can improve posture and protect against shoulder and neck issues in the future. Plus, these exercises help balance internal and external rotators - key for any athlete wanting a long career.

These advantages make elevated external rotation burnouts an important part of building arm strength for throwing. By strengthening arm muscles and shoulder muscles, athletes can increase their throwing power and accuracy. Moreover, this exercise helps prevent shoulder/neck problems that come with throwing. When done correctly, elevated external rotation burnouts can help any athlete reach their peak performance!

How to Perform

To build arm strength for throwing, there are a few essential exercises that you should include in your routine. Elevated external rotation burnouts are one of these. This exercise can be done with a band or light dumbbells and requires the elbows to stay at the side. Focus on spreading the arms as far as possible and executing quickly while keeping shoulder blades together throughout.

Incorporate these into your regular routine to build arm strength needed for improved throwing power and accuracy. When performing elevated external rotation burnouts, keep elbows at the side, spread arms wide, execute quickly - all while maintaining shoulder blade connection. Following these guidelines will help athletes build arm strength necessary for better crow hop, throwing power and accuracy.


push ups for arm strength

Push-ups are a fantastic addition to any upper body workout. They target the chest, arms, shoulders and back muscles - making them a great choice for boosting strength in these areas. Plus, they can also help build leg strength and engage your core - so you get an all-round fitness boost!

Moreover, push-ups are ideal for improving arm health and reducing injury risk for throwers. Incorporating them into your routine will give you stronger arms and more throwing power.


Push-ups are a fantastic way to build arm strength. This section will explore the advantages of this exercise. Push-ups are an ideal choice for those seeking to increase their arm strength as they target multiple muscle groups in the upper body simultaneously. Furthermore, push-ups can stimulate metabolism and blood circulation, which can benefit overall health.

Push-ups also help strengthen the legs as they require one leg to support the body. Finally, push-ups are a great tool for improving arm health and helping athletes have a long career in their sport.

In summary, push-ups offer many benefits such as building arm strength, targeting multiple muscle groups, stimulating metabolism and blood circulation, strengthening legs and aiding athletes with long careers in sports.

How to Perform

Now that we've explored the perks of each exercise, let's dive into how to do them. Push-ups are typically done with your body in a plank position, hands slightly wider than shoulders. Bend your arms and lower yourself until your chest nearly touches the ground then straighten out to push back up to starting point. To make it more difficult, use a medicine ball or try doing one-legged push-ups. Remember general exercise guidelines like exhaling as you lift and keeping your back straight throughout the workout. Doing these exercises regularly can help build arm strength and enhance throwing ability!

work on strong back muscles for better arm strength


Building arm strength is essential for any softball player who wants to throw with accuracy and power. Unfortunately, due to overuse or improper technique, players can be prone to shoulder injuries. The right training routine that incorporates exercises designed to build arm strength and promote stability can help reduce the risk of injury and improve throwing performance.

Five essential exercises for building arm strength are Band Pull Aparts, Band External Rotations, Dumbbell External Rotation, Elevated External Rotation Burnouts, and Push-Ups. Each exercise provides a specific set of physical benefits by focusing on a particular area of muscles such as strengthening the rotator cuff, improving posture and balance, and increasing contraction speed.

By following correct form and incorporating these exercises into their regular training routine, athletes can safely build the arm strength necessary for improving their throwing performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exercises increase throwing strength?

To increase throwing strength and velocity, it is recommended to perform exercises focusing on mobility, lateral power, single-leg strength, hip and shoulder separation, and core stability.

Specific exercises include side-lying windmill, skater jumps with a band, Bulgarian split squats, kneeling anti-rotation chops, and core stability drills.

How can I increase my throwing strength fast?

If you want to quickly increase your throwing strength, try doing 3 exercises regularly: weighted medicine ball throws, rotational pulls, and partner-resisted throws.

These exercises will help you develop the power and muscle needed to increase your throwing velocity and strength.

Does arm strength help throwing football?

It is clear that arm strength plays an important role in throwing footballs accurately and with power. A strong arm allows a quarterback to throw deep balls and make tight windows, often resulting in successful and explosive plays.

Good arm strength can be the difference between moving chains and throwing an interception.

How can I make my throwing arm stronger?

To enhance the strength of your throwing arm, incorporate exercises such as stretching, weightlifting, resistance bands, and baseball-specific drills into your workout routine. Furthermore, practice throwing with proper technique to ensure you are properly engaging the muscles in your arm for maximum results.

With consistent effort and dedication, you can quickly start to feel the improvement in the strength of your throwing arm.

What exercises increase throwing power?

Exercises such as plyometrics, resistance training and core strengthening can help to increase throwing power. Incorporating these exercises into a comprehensive strength and conditioning program can lead to improved performance and increased throwing velocity.

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About Chris Sloan

Chris Sloan is a former baseball league commissioner and travel baseball coach who has made significant contributions to the sport. In 2018, he founded selectbaseballteams.com, a website that helps parents find youth and travel baseball teams in their local areas. Since its launch, the website has experienced impressive growth, offering a wealth of resources including teams, news, tournaments, and organizations. Chris's unwavering passion for baseball and his innovative approach to connecting parents with quality baseball programs have earned him a respected reputation in the baseball community, solidifying his legacy as a leading figure in the world of youth and travel baseball.

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