Sunday Setting Sights on Success Tip of the Day Give Kids a Chance It's not the bat, the glove
I am always amazed that parents will spend hundreds of dollars a year on new gloves, bats, travel teams, etc and think that will lead to a great season. However, those same parent balk at paying a small portion of that "baseball money" for quality baseball training. Of course, the key word there is quality, but with some research, parents should be able to find the most respected baseball instructor in the area.
Parents do not have to spend tons of money each year on instruction; even one lessonshould give parents and player a better understanding of the correct way to do things and things they can practice throughout the season. Good coaches break the fundamentals down into just a few things. For example, throwing (or pitching) involves 1) the correct backward swing of the arm 2) a direct step to the target and 3) a transfer of weight on the follow through.
080222-N-8726C-001 MILLINGTON, Tenn. (Feb. 22, 2008) Navy shortstop Nick Driscoll catches the frozen rope rifled from Navy catcher Steve Soares during the first of two Navy vs. Air Force games at the annual Service Academy Spring Classic baseball tournament. Navy faced teams from the Air Force, Memphis, Arkansas State, Ohio State and Seton Hall. The Midshipmen finished the tournament 2-1, placing third. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
With that in mind, with just one session people can find out if the player is doing those and, if not, how the player can practice to get those fundamentals correct. Additionally, if not learned at a young age, it is often too late, as habits are very difficult to change.
It is most important that parents attend and listen in, so they learn and most importantly can reinforce what the coach taught. It is not logical to expect a young player to understand the fundamentals but parents should be able to learn them.
Warning - Parents should not go to coaches, who do not want parents to listen in, but out of respect to the coach, they should not talk during child's lesson, unless asked for input by coach.
After playing major league baseball, Jack Perconte has taught baseball and softball since 1988 and offered valuable coaching training too. He has helped numerous youth players reach their potential, as well as having helped parents and coaches navigate their way through the challenging world of youth sports. Jack is one of the leading authorities in the areas of youth baseball training and coaching training advice.
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